The Next Beach Day:


Watch The New Kauai Visitor Channel KORE Video

Beach Days

So WHAT is a Beach Day?!  KORE’s activities revolve around a one-Saturday-a-month Beach Day at Black Pot Beach in Hanalei (right between the pier and river mouth).  We assist people of all ages, shapes, sizes and ability levels to access the beach and safely get back into the ocean with the help of  highly skilled and trained volunteers.

There are no charges or costs; no renting of equipment.  Just bring your sun screen, a beach chair, and an enthusiastic & open-to-possibilities attitude! Come enjoy a day at the beach.  Typically a Beach Day goes like this…  8:30 to 9am Beach Set-up and sign-in, 9am to 1pm SURFIN’!   After that, small kine break down and clean up.

We humbly encourage people to bring snacks to share and we provide lunch.

About KORE

Kauai Ocean Recreation Experience, or KORE, is designed to help both Kauai residents and their families who are physically challenged and/or have special needs, to get back into the ocean with the assistance of trained professionals.

KORE had its first Beach Day on August 15, 2009.  Originally created by a small  but passionate group of Kauai watermen and women, firefighters and physical rehab therapists,  KORE’s Beach Days have now grown into a monthly event which now boasts over 400 participants and volunteers working together to make the beach and ocean accessible to all.

We are a grassroots, volunteer driven, non profit organization under the umbrella of the Kauai YMCA.  We are dedicated to helping both Kauai residents and visitors who are  physically challenged or have special needs to get back into the ocean with the assistance of trained professionals.  Whether it be surfing or just relaxing in the water, our intent is to get our residents and their families to once again enjoy a day at the beach.